In a news conference Deanna Favre announced she will be the starting QB for the Packers this coming Sunday. Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while he played QB for the Packers. During this period of time she became familiar with the definition of a corner blitz, and is now completely comfortable with other terminology of the Packers offense.
A survey of Packers fans shows that 65 % of those polled supported the move.
Does this sounds idiotic and unbelievable to you? Well, Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be President and 50% of democrats polled agreed. She has never run a City, County, or State.
When told Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8 years in the white house, Dick Morris stated "so has the pastry chef".
someone is bitter.
'tisn't me, i didn't write the piece! although i agree whole-heartedly as i personally can't stand hillary...
I have read this ridiculous piece before and it is a terrible analogy. Hillary has over 35 years experience in public service. She has met with 79 world leaders face to face to discuss issues ranging from human rights to poverty. She has more experience than anyone running against her. Maybe it's time for you to turn on the news at night, or pick up a newspaper, or maybe read Hillary's Bio... or better yet, go to a rally and meet her in person. She is an amazing woman who I hope will be our next president.
you're entitled to your opinion, mag my dear anonymous visitor, but NOT to your own bitterness on my forum. have you met MY candidate personally? why would _I_ want to meet yours when i've already learned enough about her (and NOT from my humorous post) to know i do not like her one bit?
it's not meant to be a serious analogy. laughter is GOOD for you! so is HOPE.
This just reminds me of when Gore and Bush were running against each other and everyone was making fun of both of them. "I'm the VP! Vote for me!" "My daddy did it, so can I!"
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