Wednesday, December 08, 2004

if i had a blog...

guess what! now I do! still don't have much earth-shattering to say, but when has that ever stopped me?

below are some thoughts I had about "what-if" I had a blog. I enjoyed pretending enough that when I found out about this site, I created my own blog. if I keep enjoying it, I'll keep posting. :p

Since August, I did have to drop my class in physiology. I'm almost done with public speaking; we're doing a symposium next week on preplanning your funeral. Now there's a Deep Thought.

Beginning in January, I'll be a full-time employee again, with benefits and everything. Reading between the lines, you can assume correctly that being a student was wrecking us financially, and hopefully we'll be able to reverse some of that. I'm not giving up my dreams, I'm just postponing them.

I had some health crises this fall and wasn't able to keep up with everything. That was a MAJOR shock to my system! or at least my ego. :( You can read many of my trials on WebMD's GI disorder support group page. nuf sed.

That's about it for today. Until next time, I remain

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