Thursday, April 26, 2007

slut for a survey

hehehe - i love alana's headers!

1. Sex is best in the morning, afternoon, or night? anytime is party time, but prefer evening
2. What side of the bed do you sleep on? right
3. Pork, Beef, or Chicken? um, depends on the mood, but pork does add all those yummy nitrates...
4. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? no. just hurled down the side of BF's '69 Camaro! he threw me in the shower and went outside to take care of his baby. and he did marry me later, surprise!
5. What leg do you put in pants first when putting them on? left. didn't have to check as it has been difficult lately and i'm quite aware of getting into my pants!
6. Candles or Incense? candles
7. Do you dance when no one is watching? of course.
8. Did you play doctor when you were little? is THAT what you call it?
9. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? *sigh* no. i never got paid.
10. Stove top cooking or microwave? stupid question. don't care enough to answer it.
11. Would you rather want your car or your house be dirty? car
12. Shower or bath? rare baths, daily showers ... unless i'm a grumpy PG and choose to stay smelly...
13. Do you pee in the shower? only if i can't wait.
14. Mexican or Chinese food? usually Chinese.
15. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? aggressive, all the way!
16. Do you own sex toys? no, but always wanted some.
17. Corn Dogs or Hot Dogs? both.
18. Your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden, i think.
19. What did you have for lunch today? it's 8 a.m.; nothing yet! yesterday i had leftovers and an apple.
20. Which do you prefer, iceberg or romaine lettuce? romaine, since iceberg repeats on me now.
21. When did you last fall down? can't remember - have been VERY careful of late.
22. Have you ever wished someone were dead? if you know how i grew up, you know who i wished dead on a daily basis until i moved out.
23. Love or Money? got love, working on money. ;)
24. Credit Cards or cash? living on a cash basis ain't easy, but we're doin' it!
25. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't? see #22. otherwise, mostly i wish they'd quit being neurotic, but not kicked out, cuz i still luv 'em! ooo, forgot ex-brother-in-law, whom i truly felt wasn't worthy of his SKIN, let alone my family! otherwise see above.
26. Oreos or Vanilla Wafers? Oreos - fudge stuft! generally only eat nilla wafers when i bought them for kids and they're the last cookies in the house...

27. How do you like your steak cooked? medium
28. How do you like your eggs cooked? scrambled
29. Have you ever knocked someone off their feet in fight? possibly, used to "fight" with younger family members too much.
30. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel? take me to the Ritz Paris, please! As Alana said, i'druther stay at a motel 6 than camp.
31. Would you rather have a root canal or minor surgery? never had a root canal, have had local procedures i'd definitely opt for.
32. Would you shave your entire body (including your head)? probably not. i'm worried about what my bald head would look like.
33. Would you rather have lice or an STD? NEITHER! gross! curable STD over lice, lice over incurable (i.e. herpes or worse).
34. What is your favorite hard candy? werther's.
35. Ever been to a strip club? went on ladies night, swung my bra around, it was fun, but limp, if YKWIM.
36.Ever been to a bar? another stupid question that merits not a reply!
37. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? no
38. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? no, i'd just crash where i was!
39. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Looney. *snif*
40. Thrown up from drinking too much? sadly, yes. the best time was the first time!
41. Have you ever kissed a stranger? well, that's a sadly, yes, too.
42. Does anyone have naughty pics of you? i think they were destroyed. damn, now i'm going to have to check all my boxes again!


Alana said...

are you saying I give good Header?? know..I've been told that before..

MamaBear said...

LOL! yeah, i definitely enjoy your Header.

stewbert said...

*snort* thanks alana ... my monitor is now pepsi coated.

and yeah ... there's reasons I divorced his sorry ass.