Thursday, December 15, 2011

catching up...

It's been a crazy mad semester. Yes, I'm measuring time in semesters again. Went back to school in January (if you missed it).

Lost 20 pounds in July/August. Not sure how. Took a family vacay to visit my family of origin in August. Began Fall Semester.

Won a scholarship. Got diagnosed with diabetes and hypothyroidism. Became obsessed with intake and blood sugar levels, not that obsession had any effect. Meanwhile, studied Pathophysiology, Federal Rules and Regulations regarding Clinical Trials, and Statistics. Took many tests, some while experiencing the vertigo that my vestibular system hit me with, obviously convinced I was managing too well with what I was juggling already.

The house got more and more cluttered. But I got 3 A's in my 3 classes at the end of the term, which ended this week. I have 4 whole weeks to get caught up on everything. The thyroid med is finally kicking in and I am sick of sitting in front of the computer, so instead I am GETTING THINGS DONE. Yes, I am also in shock.

Skipping over Thanksgiving madness and dealing with vomiting kids while studying for and taking finals (online class, yes really). I am feeling pretty great about where I am and where I'm going, and doing my best to enjoy the process.

Monday, October 03, 2011

fabulous news!

I was too busy to pick up the mail Saturday, so I got it yesterday. Imagine my surprise to discover I had been awarded a scholarship! I applied, yeah, but I didn't expect to get it; my teacher encouraged us to apply and most of us did.

It's a scholarship provided by a local pharmaceutical company. Not only will it help out financially, but it will ALSO get my name in front of folks I'll be applying with after I graduate. So, super thrilled to have this!

The old lady's still got it! Just took my first test in the terrible Rules and Regulations class and it wasn't as TERRIBLE as I'd feared (and been told). It won't be long before I get to do other things I've been waiting on... but I'm doing my best to enjoy my time in school, because it ALSO won't be long before I'm looking back on these days fondly. :D

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I feel like I should make a post today.

As so many others have said, more eloquently, it doesn't feel 10 years ago when I think about it. The pain is fresh. The memories are fresh. The day doesn't fade.

MCB posted a poignant poem.

I spent too much time studying and my thought processes are fried. My message is not original but is heart-felt.

We will never forget.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

I'm still alive!

I cleared cookies on my computer last summer, and couldn't find my way back into google. Today I tried again and they had added some new buttons to help me. Turns out, I was signed in on my work email with this account, which is why I couldn't figure it out.

I've had a LOT more time since not being able to access my google Reader, which is really a good thing as I'm back in school since January. Going after a Clinical Trials Research Associate degree, loving the process, loving the goal; will graduate after 7 straight semesters in May 2013. It seems a long way away, but it will pass quickly, I'm so damn busy! and if I don't go after it, time will still pass and NOTHING will EVER get BETTER.

So here I am again, warts and all. I may be around more often, wasting time here in lieu of wasting time on facebook; I may lose my cookies and/or mind again. I make no promises!