Thursday, January 13, 2005

january, crikey!

is it too bizarre for it to be january already! crikey, it's 1-13 before i've noticed! christmas was terrific, yada yada, i haven't been online here in quite some time.

the little one turned 5 and has Strep. the big one got a Green Belt and can't control himself in class. yours truly has returned to full-time employment (read: dropped out of college again) and has myriad health complaints. the DH remains frustrated with his direction in life and building dreams, not pursuing realities. (of course, it's hard to pursue realities in such a depressed economy, so at least he's raising his spirits.)

january, crikey! it's 70 degrees out and gorgeous. the forecast has us dropping to highs of 40 within days. gotta love north carolina "winters."

[ed. note: please leave me notes that you've been here. you may sign in as anonymous and identify yourself within your note, should you prefer not to remember yet another password!]

january. it's hard to be entertaining in January.

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